Aim & Objectives
Education and Meetings:
APPOS functions as an international organization promoting collaborations and knowledge exchanges amongst Paediatric Orthopaedic surgeons in the APOA region. Most of the educational activities are organized around main meetings of the APOA and the APSS APPOS sectional meetings. APPOS also participate in periodic international meetings with POSNA and EPOS. Workshops and courses are organized in most of these meetings with faculties from APPOS and POSNA members. Course organized by members can be found in the APOA website. Clinical attachments in member countries can be organized for members and young surgeons who wishes to develop special trainings such as pelvic osteotomy, limb deformity and reconstruction, Paediatric spinal deformity.
Travelling fellowships:
APPOS currently organizes two travelling fellowships around the sectional meetings of APSS and APPOS.
The first is the APPOS travelling fellowship within APOA host member countries by APOA member countries. The national delegates would be informed of these fellowship by email to disseminate to their young national colleagues for application.
The second is the APPOS and POSNA alternating travelling fellowship where APOA member country fellows travel out the POSNA centers and a reciprocal POSNA fellows travel to APOA member hosting countries in the following year. The national delegates would be informed to disseminate these activities for application by email. The hosting countries for the reciprocal POSNA fellowship are invited by the executive council and the committee.
We welcome and invite interested Paediatric orthopaedic surgeons or trainee to become a member of the APOA and a member of the APPOS. The membership application and subscription is processed through APOA online website.