Council Members (2021/2023)
Joon Kiong LEE (Malaysia)
Rajesh Malhotra (India)
Aasis Unnanuntana (Thailand)
Yew Lok WOO (Singapore)
Council Members
Zairin Noor Helmi (Indonesia)
Rong Sen YANG (Taiwan)
Irewin Tabu (Philippines)
Syed Shahidul Islam (Bangladesh)
Muhammad Amin Chinoy (Pakistan)
Sonali Pande (Brunei)
Buland Thapa (Nepal)
Ronald WONG (Hong Kong)
Ketan Pande (Brunei)
Objectives of APOFFS:
- To recognize the increased burden of osteoporosis and fragility fractures in the Asia Pacific region.
- To recognize that among orthopaedic community, osteoporosis is often under-diagnosed and undertreated in patients being treated for fragility fractures.
- To play a more important role to ensure early diagnosis, fracture risk assessment, appropriate pharmacological intervention to prevent fragility fractures.
- To recognize the challenges in fragility fracture management, in particular appropriate surgical treatment, to allow early rehabilitation and to achieve best functional status possible.
- To equip orthopaedic surgeons with knowledge, interest and confidence to initiate and continue pharmacological treatments for osteoporosis.
- To promote orthogeriatric care in order to achieve best possible outcome for patients presenting with fragility fracture.
- To encourage orthopaedic surgeons to lead the development and implementation of Fracture Liaison Services (FLS) and Hip Fracture Registry (HFR).
- To collaborate with both orthopaedic and non-orthopaedic organisations at the regional and global level to promote osteoporosis and fragility fracture care.
Brief description of APOFFS
Asia Pacific Osteoporosis and Fragility Fracture Society (APOFFS) is a new section formed under the Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association (APOA) in August 2021. It is a separate Section targeted to raise awareness among members of APOA on osteoporosis and fragility fractures. The APOFFS Council consists of thirteen members from thirteen different country-regions. There are six Working Groups formed under APOFFS as followed. These working groups are meant to highlight to all our APOA members different aspects of fragility fracture care which include hip fracture clinical pathway, hip fracture registry, fracture liaison service in secondary fracture prevention. Orthogeriatric care as well as efforts to equip our orthopaedic surgeon colleagues with knowledge of osteoporosis and sarcopenia treatment and interest in densitometry are also our objectives.
APOFFS also create the opportunity for our orthopaedic colleagues in APOA an opportunity to work and collaborate with all orthopaedic and non-orthopaedic organizations in Asia Pacific region and worldwide.
APOFFS Working Groups
- Fracture Liaison Service (FLS)
- Hip Fracture Registry (HFR)
- Hip Fracture Clinical Pathway (HFCP)
- Orthogeriatric Care (OG)
- Pharmacological Treatment for Osteoporosis and Sarcopenia (RX)
- Densitometry Course for Orthopaedic Surgeons (DXA)
Asia Pacific Fragility Fracture Alliance (APFFA)
FFN Clinical Toolkit
FFN Policy Toolkit
FFN Guide to the formation of National Fragility Fracture Networks